Located along Winnipeg’s Assiniboine River, this hotel lounge-inspired bungalow was designed with a seamless connection between interior and exterior entertaining spaces.   The layout is centred on a sprawling open plan living, dining, bar and lounge space, situated to capture optimal light during evening gatherings. These spaces open to an exterior entertaining room, sauna and well appointed outdoor kitchen overlooking private views to the river beyond.

Living Lounge: a hotel lounge-inspired bungalow
Photograph: Lindsay Reid

Architect Dov Secter was tasked with the challenge of creating a home that mirrored the grandeur of boutique hotels while fitting the budget and personal needs of the clients.

“One of the greatest challenges was creating a space that felt very luxurious but didn’t have an unlimited budget.”…

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Articol publicat pe: designraid.net
Autor: Design Raid